School Holds Blood Drives after Principal is Injured
Members of the community rallied around the principal of Ronald Reagan Senior High School on Friday by sponsoring two blood drives.
Javier Perez, the school principal, remains in Kendall Regional Medical Center after being pinned by an SUV after it crashed through a fence at a baseball field in Tamiami Park where he had been watching his son playing T-ball.
Perez has had both his legs amputated and large quantities of blood were needed to save his life.
The blood drives were held at South Dade Senior High on Friday and at Kendall Regional Medical Center on Saturday. The support for the drive was strong enough with scores of people lined up for both the morning and afternoon blood drive. The nearly hundreds of donors caused the OneBlood “Big Red Bus” blood drive service to send in more trucks at both locations to handle the flood of donors.
Teachers and the community are more than happy to lend their blood and their support. According to staff, Perez has made South Dade Senior High a better place. The students, faculty and overall community have been lending their support and prayers to help meet the challenge for what is to come for Perez, his wife, and their small children. Everyone is optimistic that Perez will pull through and they are anxious for his return.
No matter where you are or the precautions that you take to keep yourself and your family safe, an accident can happen anywhere and at any time. Javier Perez is very fortunate in how much the community cares about him and is willing to donate blood and funds in an effort to help. However, sometimes even such strong efforts are not always enough to meet the financial and physical challenges that will come after an accident. When you or someone you care for has been seriously hurt in an automobile or other accident, that is the time when you need to turn to a legal professional for help.
If you or your loved ones have been hurt in the Miami-Dade area, contact us today. Our attorneys have years of experience in the Florida Courts and they can help you, too. You may be entitled to compensation for any injuries, ongoing medical care, lost wages or other expenses as the result of your accident. We will discuss your situation with you at length and outline possible ways to proceed with your case. Call us today. Your initial consultation and legal analysis are free.