Motorcycle Accident Results In Fatality
Miami Dade Police reported that a motorcycle accident that occurred Wednesday morning has left one person dead. While the identity of the rider has not yet been released, the rider was declared dead at the scene. Early Wednesday morning the motorcyclist is believed to have lost control of the bike and crashed through a fence near Miami International Airport. According to reports the motorcycle continued on through the fence and came to rest in the small canal alongside Perimeter Road east of the airport.
Car accidents often leave the victims in a situation where the bills stack up and income is delayed at least temporarily. Often the insurance money is all the victims have to fall back on, but too frequently the amount of money the insurance companies will payout is the bare minimum. Having the right attorney to represent your needs can make all the difference. Miami Car Accident Lawyers can help you get the money you need, not just what the insurance companies want to give you. Representing you with years of experience and pushing the reality of your expenses, lost income, pain and suffering as well as punitive damages, Miami Car Accident Lawyers can help you get the settlement you deserve. Call our office today or contact us through our website.