Hit and Run Crash Kills One Child and Leaves Another in Critical Condition
In a personal injury case, lawyers have a wide array of actions which they can take in order to help their client. They can ask for an increased settlement, harsher punishments, and more. Personal injury attorneys make sure that the ‘little guy’ has proper representation in their court cases.
Let’s take a look at this hit-and-run crash that occurred on Dania Beach. 8-year-old Apollo and his older brother Kelv-Ron had just finished a basketball game and were walking home. They were in the intersection, following all of the rules, when they were hit by a Toyota Tacoma.
This Tacoma drove away from the scene, leaving the two boys in the intersection. When they were found, they were rushed to the hospital, where Apollo later died and Kelv-Ron was left in critical condition.
The driver of the Tacoma, Zachary, tried to get his vehicle fixed at the body shop, and was reported by the owner of the body shop. Kelv-Ron is still having difficulty speaking, though it has been reported that he recognizes his parents.
Zachary was immediately tried, and has been released on $150,000 bond with an ankle bracelet. Zachary’s attorney asked that the bond be reduced while he’s awaiting trial.
“He’s not completely well, but he’s getting better,” Kelv-Ron’s father mentioned to the media. His concern is about whether Zachary is going to try to run again.
As personal injury attorneys, we are responsible for making sure that our clients receive the best judgments and settlements. Give us a call if someone else has injured you.