David Cassidy Charged with Moving Violations
David Cassidy is now facing the charges of leaving the scene of an accident and driving with expired tags last month, further adding to the legal woes now being faced by the former teen idol.
According to authorities, police, on September 9, Cassidy, 65, sideswiped a truck and then attempted to cover his license plate before driving away from the scene with a flat tire. A witness was able to snap a photograph of Cassidy’s Kia and the picture was used to link him to the hit and run crash.
Charges were filed on Wednesday after witnesses identified Cassidy as the driver in a photo lineup.
Legal counsel for David Cassidy, Jason Forman, claims that the police report is riddled with inconsistencies and said that Cassidy did give his license and registration to law enforcement officers before he left the scene of the crash.
A hearing regarding the incident has been scheduled for October 27th. Cassidy is currently on five years’ probation following convictions of driving under the influence in the state of Florida in 2010 and 2013. He is also facing a drunken driving charge in Los Angeles in 2014. Law enforcement investigators have determined that Cassidy was not under the influence in this most recent incident.
Cassidy, a resident of Harbor Beach, is also in the midst of a divorce from his wife Susan. He recently filed for bankruptcy and plans to sell his 5 bedroom mansion in an attempt to settle liabilities. A bankruptcy judge has approved a $2 million bid that was made on his 5-bedroom mansion.
Even minor crashes can cost thousands of dollars. Holding the person responsible in an accident accountable, no matter who they are, is something that we hold dear in this country.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a hit-and-run accident in the Miami area, you need to have a qualified attorney who will give you solid legal advice and fight on your side.
Call us today to schedule a free, no obligation initial consultation. One of our attorneys will meet with you and discuss how to best proceed with your personal injury or accident case and will present several options for your case. We have years of experience in the Miami-Dade area representing our clients in accident cases in the Florida courts. Don’t face your accident case alone. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.