Cab Crashes into Ambulance En Route to the Hospital
You know that you’re going to have a bad day when the ambulance that you’re in gets into a crash with a city cab. Worse yet, they’re taking you to the hospital because of a stab wound that you received.
That’s exactly what happened to a Miami Beach ambulance. They were readying a stab victim for transport to the hospital when there was a collision between it and a cab. The accident happened on Abbott Avenue and 71st Street, causing much consternation between both of the drivers.
Fortunately, the stab wound was deemed non-threatening, and the ambulance was already on the way to the hospital. The cab driver was taken to the hospital as well. The only true good thing out of this news is that there were trained medical personnel already at the scene.
The roads were briefly closed as a result of this injury crash, and the police are investigating the causes of the commotion and the crash. We do hope that everyone involved is recovering nicely.
Getting into a crash doesn’t have to be a tragic event when it comes to the mounting medical bills and other legal obligations. When you have someone on your side like our car accident attorneys, you can breathe easy knowing that you’ve got the best people for the job.